
Vets mull boycott of Spirit Airlines after dying former Marine denied refund | Fox News

What is wrong with this Country, when a dying man cannot get a refund for a flight he is too sick to take? Spirit Airlines.

Spirit Airlines is, undeniably, money hungry and despicably low on humanity, refusing to refund $200 to a terminally ill, Vietnam Vet, who had booked the flight before he was told he was dying and could not fly. The Vet was to fly to Detroit to be with his daughter while she had surgery.

I saw him this morning, tears in his eyes, on FOX and friends – as he explained the company reviewed his “evidence” and still said no, saying they can’t bend the rules, that the refund would get to him AFTER his passing and then offered him a CREDIT for another flight. 

The Fox and Friend’s team gave the dying former Marine, the $200.00 he was charged by Spirit Airlines. I hope the Veterans of this Country, all Countries, stand together and boycott this company. I’m disgusted. 

Full Story Here: Vets mull boycott of Spirit Airlines after dying former Marine denied refund | Fox News.