Archive | Friday, September 19, 2014


A friend of mine: a gigantic part of my heart and soul, whom I love so very much needs #prayers for #health and #healing.

I need my #prayer #warriors, urgently, right now, to take time to #pray for the health of this dear man, a beautiful soul.

He’s a very private man, so I will not reveal his name. GOD knows his name, he’ll know who you are #praying for, this I know!

He fought and kicked #pancreatic #cancer, which had spread to his lung. He’s been in #remission since 2009.

He found a #lump, the blood work came back #abnormal, and he goes for a #biopsy this coming week. He needs prayers, I need your prayers that this isn’t a #relapse, #metastasized.

Please, please #pray with me for his healing, for him to rest, relax his mind and body, increase his strength, physically and mentally; an increase in his energy, positivity, outlook, and ability to accept the love, prayers and help of others, so that his will to fight all over again, if this is a relapse, is so much stronger than before; that he knows he’s not fighting alone… that he is loved.

I am begging… Please! This man goes out of his way to help everyone, he’s just so loving and sweet, giving and caring for everyone but himself.

#PLEASE, PRAY ~ PRAY HARD! All things are possible through #GOD and prayer amplified by many is mighty. Please!