Tag Archive | popefrancis

The second anniversary of The Inauguration of the Pontificate of Pope Francis.

It’s only been 2 years? Yet, it seems like he’s done so much already. Viva il Papa!

GOD Bless you, Pope Francis! 💛 May you be with us long! We need your gracious heart and humble ways!


Pope Francis has appointed 20 new cardinals at a ceremony in the Vatican, including many from developing countries, telling them their high rank is a call to be humble and work for justice.

Pope Francis also told the new cardinals to exercise charity and put aside pride, jealousy, self-interest and anger when he elevated them from prelates at the ceremony in St Peter’s Basilica.

#PopeFrancis #Vatican #Cardinals #VivaPapa


“The many forms of slavery, the commercialization, and mutilation of the bodies of women, call out to us to be committed to defeat these types of degradation that reduce them to mere objects that are bought and sold …”


#PopeFrancis #Vatican #Condemns #AbuseAgainstWomen #Abuse #Rape #Torture #Mutilation #Slavery #Objectification #Debasement #Women